Rental Facilities
Worcester Township has several facilities that are available to rent throughout the year for single, multiple, or seasonal use.
Athletic Field/Court Rentals
Worcester Township's Department of Parks and Recreation oversees the maintenance and allocation of athletic field use at the following locations:
Heebner Park
- 4 soccer/multi-purpose fields
- 2 60-foot baseball fields
- 2 90-foot baseball fields
- 3 tennis courts
- 2 basketball courts
Mt Kirk Park
- 1 soccer/ multi purpose field
Sunny Brook Park
- 1 soccer/multi-purpose field
- 2 60-foot skinned softball fields
How do I rent the fields or courts?
Field Rentals for Spring 2025
Athletic Field/ Court Rental Fees: See Current Fee Schedule
Concession Sales Policy
Organizations that already hold a permit for athletic field use are entitled to apply for a permit to sell concessions at the same location, on the same dates and times. The application and complete policies and procedures is below:
Fairview Village Community Hall
The Fairveiw Village Community Hall, located at 1031 Valley Forge Road, is available for rental by community groups to host meetings, seminars, or other gatherings. Please note that food is not allowed in the Community Hall.

Heebner Park Pavilion Rental
Heebner Park features two pavilions completed in 2008. One is located next to the playground/tot lot (smaller), and the other is located by the soccer fields (larger), complete with a concession area.
Both are available for rental by approved groups and individuals.

Heebner Park Gazebo Rental
Heebner Park features a Gazebo in the center of the park. The gazebo is set away from the hustle and bustle of the sports fields. It features several picnic tables and benches surrounding it, as well as plenty of shade. It is a picturesque location for a family gathering.
Heyser Ring Rental
Heyser Field Horse Ring is located on Valley Forge Road behind the Worcester Township Community Hall (1031 Valley Forge Road). This ring is ideal for horse shows or an individual riding on a nice day. Heyser Field is open to all residents and non-residents. Heyser Field is used by the Farmer's Union Horse Company for their annual horse shows.