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Sewer Billing/Payments

Sewer Billing & Fees

A portion of the Township, about 1,000 homes and businesses, are serviced by a sanitary sewer system that is owned and operated by Worcester Township.  The remaining properties in our community are serviced by other sewer providers, or possess on lot septic systems.  Sewer fees are billed on a quarterly basis, and fees billed are for services provided during the three months prior to the bill date. 

Below find information on the four bills to be received by residential customers:

Bill #1

  • Mailed: January 1
  • Due: January 31
  • For: service provided in October, November and December

Bill #2

  • Mailed: April 1
  • Due: April 30 
  • For: service provided in January, February and March

Bill #3

  • Mailed: July 1
  • Due: July 31
  • For: service provided in April, May and June

Bill #4

  • Mailed: October 1
  • Due: October 31
  • For: service provided in July, August and September

Sewer Payment Information

If a sewer bill due date falls on a weekend, payment must be received at the Township Building on or before the due date – i.e., paid beforehand, or dropped off in the Township Building mail slot.  All payments received after the due date will be assessed a 10% late penalty. 

Sewer bills may be paid by check, cash, ACH withdrawal or credit card (we accept Visa, MasterCard & Discover)… but please note that certain ACH withdrawals are subject to an approximate $1 fee, and credit card payments are subject to the actual convenience fees charged by the credit card companies (about 2%).  Automatic payments through a bank account are also accepted, and this option should be discussed with the customer’s bank.

To pay online please follow the following link