Trash & Recycling
Trash & Recycling Information
The collection of trash and recyclable is private in Worcester Township... residents are responsible for contracting with a licensed hauler of their choice. Some of the haulers that presently service our community are listed below.
- Republic Services- (610) 265-6337
- Waste Management- (800) 869-5566
- Whitetail Disposal- (610) 754-0103
Recycling Requirements in Worcester Township
On August 18, 2021, the Worcester Township Board of Supervisors adopted new recycling requirements in order to make sure the Township is fully compliance with recycling requirements as mandated by Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Recycling requirements were already in place in the Township, but the new regulations have to do with leaf and yard waste collection and clarifying open burning regulations.
To view the Ordinance 2021-286 which details all of the existing and new recycling requirements, please click here.
Responsibilities - we are all in this together!
In order to make this a successful program it takes everyone working together!
Township's Role:
- Township has the authority to establish and enforce rules and regulations in regards to collection of waste and recyclable materials.
- Township in conjunction with waste collectors work together to educate the public on the requirements for the collection of waste and recyclable materials. This includes articles in the newsletter, website information, and as well as other communication vehicles like social media and the Township's electronic newsletter.
- Township collects and processes data in regards to weight and volume quantity of recycling materials processed.
Residents' and Business Owners' Role:
- Township Residents are responsible to contract with a waste collector and there must be collection for both trash and recycling materials separately.
- Township Residents are permitted to utilize compost piles for yard waste and leaves. The compost pile shall comply with Article XXIV, §150-177, Accessory Uses and Structures.
- Owners, landlords or agents of leased or rented property are responsible for publicly posting educational information provided by the Township and/or waste collectors.
- Owners, landlords or agents of leased or rented property must provide recyclable material collection containers and provide for pickup of containers. This can be delegated to the tenant, only where a single tenant occupies the entire leased or rented property.
- Owners or landlords of multi-family residential units such as apartments shall be responsible for providing suitable containers or dumpsters for trash and recyclable materials.
- Owners or landlords of any institutional, commercial, business, or industrial establishment will be required to provide containers or dumpsters for trash and recyclable materials. This can be delegated to the tenant, only where a single tenant occupies the entire leased or rented property.
Waste Collectors' Role:
- The collection equipment and vehicles used for the collection of municipal waste shall be closed-body with an automatic compactor unit and the vehicle should have the name of company visible and be maintain in proper working order and in compliance with state safety and sanitary regulations.
- The waste collector shall provide certificate of insurance to the municipality covering public liability for both bodily injury and property damage, owners' and contractor' protective insurance and automobile insurance at the request of the Township.
- The waste collector must provide waste and recycling reports to the Township as stated in the ordinance.
- The waste collector is responsible for coordinating the monthly curbside collection of leaf and yard waste collection for all of the residents in Worcester Township. The leaf and yard waste must be disposed of at a location that is DEP approved.
What has changed?
Trash haulers, which are privately contracted by Township Residents in Worcester, will now have to schedule a monthly curbside collection of leaf and yard waste. This leaf and yard waste will be collected by the trash hauler and disposed of at a DEP-permitted facility.
The trash haulers have been contacted and once we have details regarding the monthly curbside collection for each hauler, we will post that information on this page. Our hope is that these new changes can be implemented by October or November, but please keep checking back as we gather more information regarding these new regulations and the implementation of these changes.
Curbside Leaf and Yard Waste Collection Schedule- updated 12/29/2021
This is information provided by the trash haulers- please check with your trash hauler with any specific collection and scheduling questions.
Republic Services
- Collection Specifications- Biodegradable bags and/or bundles no more than 4 feet in length weighing less than 50 pounds. No loose material will be collected.
- Collection Schedule- the 3rd Tuesday of every month.
Waste Management
- Collection Specifications- Residents will be required to put all yard waste and leaves in biodegradable paper bags for collection.
- Collection Schedule- Last Thursday of every month beginning in January. For more information, please click the links for the Letter from Waste Management.
Whitetail Disposal
- Collection Specifications- Residents will be required to put all yard waste and leaves in biodegradable paper bags for collection.
- Collection Schedule- Last Tuesday of every month.
Open Burning is Not Permitted

It is not permissible to burn leaves, yard waste or other materials in Worcester Township.
The latest Open Burning Regulations are in Ordinance 2021-286 and you can find these regulations on page 9. Please click here to view the ordinance.
Exceptions to allow open fire and burning:
- Burning shall be permitted for fire-fighting training by Township-designated fire-fighting organizations conditioned on prior approval of the Worcester Township Fire Marshal.
- Burning shall be permitted for recreational and entertainment purposes, such as bonfires and camp-fires, conditioned on prior approval of the Worcester Township Fire Marshal. Fire pits, fire bowls, and chimeneas may be used without Fire Marshal approval provided these are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s safety guidelines.
- When approved by a government agency only, burning is permitted for (a) the prevention and control of disease or pests, (2) the conservation and management of unique and natural areas, (3) the prevention or abatement of a fire hazard, (4) a management technique for preventing wildfires, scientific research, or vegetation management, or (5) for agricultural uses and purposes as permitted by State Law.
Beyond the monthly curbside collection of leaf and yard waste once implemented, to properly dispose of leaf and yard waste, please contact Barnside Compost Facility, a DEP-approved drop-off location in Schwenksville at 610-287-8880 or visit their website for more information.
The Township offers a location for tree branch drop-off. The branches are chipped up and made into mulch that is free to all Township Residents. For more details, please click here.
Please contact the Township directly at 610-584-1410 for questions or concerns.
Montgomery County Recycling Information
There will be several events held from April-October.
Montgomery County will not be holding tire collection events due to social distance requirements that would be necessary for this event. There are plenty of outlets for tire disposal as tire retailers usually accept used tires for a recycling fee of approximately $3-$5 per tires, please click here for a list.
Any residents that have a large number of tires or non-standard tires to dispose of, please contact the local tire recycling company, please click here for a list.
Electronic Waste
All residents of Montgomery County are able to use Retrievr for electronic waste pick up and recycling.
Retrievr charges a flat $12.50 doorstep convenience fee for clothing and any small electronics. If any of the below items are included with the pickup, the doorstep convenience fee is waived. Convenience fees for the following items are listed here and on the Retrievr webpage:
$15 for each microwave
$38 for each TV under 150 lbs and CRT monitors less than 33"
$105 for each TV 150 lbs or more
$55 for each dehumidifier
$55 for each window air-conditioner
$55 for each mini refrigerator under 50 lbs.
Document Shredding
Montgomery County will not be holding Community Shred Events, however they will post community shred events that they become aware of, please click here for a list.
For more information on recycling from the County, please click here.